Breathwork Therapy

The Conscious Connected Breathwork Method

What is Conscious connected breathwork?

Also known as Circular breathwork and transformational breathwork, it is a therapeutic practice that involves deep, rhythmic breathing techniques. The goal of this technique is to help with personal growth, spiritual exploration, and emotional release. It involves intentionally connecting your inhale with your exhale without any pauses.

is to help you access your inner wisdom. By using the breath as a tool, you can increase energy, boost immunity, decrease anxiety symptoms, and connect with what I like to call your internal compass (intuition).

During a Breathwork session, you will be asked to lie on your back (on a yoga mat) and engage in the active breathing technique of inhaling and exhaling, all through your mouth with accompanied music and verbal prompts.

Benefits of Breathwork

Mental health: Breathwork can help with anxiety, depression, anger, confusion, and PTSD. It can also help with mood, creativity, and sleep quality. Breathwork can help with stress reduction, assisting the body to reset and recover. It can also help prevent acute stress responses and chronic stress.It can help you reconnect with your INNER KNOWING (aka intuition).

Physical health: Breathwork can improve energy levels, stamina, and respiratory function. It can also reduce lactic acid build-up in muscle tissue, lower blood pressure, and balance oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the blood.

Other benefits: Breathwork can help with tension release, alertness, focus, and memory. It can also help with pain relief and immune system function.


Couples Breathwork sessions

60 mins - $200 | 90 mins $250

In-person Group Breathwork Sessions

Single class - $28 | Package of ten - $238

Online Group Breathwork Sessions

Single class - $25 | Package of ten - $213